Saturday, August 30, 2008

Right Angles

When life is in right angle mode I really must remember to look around the corner ! More on that another time.

Let's see; since last I posted there has been a line dance class birthday party that was great fun with fabulous food and people. I'm still working on the afghans, made another soap sachet, more granny squares for donating (a few with an angel in the center) and a yo yo granny in progress. The project I most want to get to sooner than later is something crocheted with plastic bag yarn aka plarn for those who haven't heard the term yet (it was new to me a few months ago). Finally decided on a method for cutting them into strips and THEN got sidetracked on an old sheet that has a tear in it and decided it MUST be recycled too! So now that's in the process of being readied to 'strip' for a project (though I haven't a clue what I'll make with it yet).

Oh and also I'm on the hunt for a crocheted shopping bag pattern that is big buttttttttttttttt big horizontally, not vertically ie. will expand more sideways than lengthwise. So far no luck - perhaps there is no such thing?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Musings and 'did' list

I am a

What Flower
Are You?

So today I have crocheted an angel, a small sachet, worked on an afghan for someone special and a few granny squares of various sizes for donations. A little time was spent wondering why some people are soooooooooo rigid they hamper the free flow of ideas between people. However most of the people I know are beautiful people who love to share ideas about most anything and I appreciate them immensely; including my internet friends' ! :-)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

what a day!

Finally i got this blog created. Gads, how frustrating ! Now i just have to figure out how to use it - we'll have to see how this goes which will have to wait for another day since i haven't any crocheting done yet for this day. Working on squares, 2 afghans, fancy dishcloth and a sachet. Project list is wayyyyyyy too long to list today.